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Community Leadership in Action.
Teresa has lived in the Tri-Cities area since her high school years, and has come to love the city and its people. She has been here through the good times and the bad, and she is well aware of the issues that pose a challenge to all of us. Teresa knows what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, get YOUR voice heard, and affect REAL change!
Join her, and roll up your sleeves and work for a better Fremont!
Addressing Housing and Homelessness
Teresa Keng believes that Fremont is a place for everyone -- We must practice smart sustainable growth and build developments of all types that blend well with the community character to resolve our housing affordability crisis. By exploring new methods in development including introducing more mixed-use, multi-family, and senior affordable housing options into the market we will be able to commit ourselves to tackling this crisis -
Creating a Workforce Pipeline for Jobs
Supporting Programs for Families and Children
Building Safe Communities and Ensuring Police Accountability
People from around the world and across the Bay Area choose Fremont to move to and raise their families because of our good schools and safety streets.In light of recent events across the country regarding police brutality, we must take this time to reflect about the next chapter of public safety we want in our neighborhoods. Teresa Keng will work to incorporate social services into our public safety strategy an relieve the burden placed on police officers in tackling our homelessness crisis, and provide real solutions and strategies that help those in most need. Teresa will encourage community policing and bring more opportunities to bring dialogue between our public safety officers and neighbors. Even more, accountability and transparency should be the standard we hold ourselves to ALL City Departments. Teresa will champion these values on the City Council for all constituent facing agencies and departments. -
Expanding Senior Services
Celebrating our Diverse Communities

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